尽管东京方面再三表示,将“尽一切办法”保证明年能够举办奥运会和残奥会,但国际奥委会主席巴赫仍持谨慎态度,称现在下定论为时过早。 当地时间9月9日,国际奥委会召开执行委员会会议,听取并讨论了2020年东京奥运会协调委员会的报告。巴赫在会后的新闻发布会上表示,当前疫苗研发进展让人振奋,检测技术也在进步,这些都将在帮助赛事准时举办方面发挥重要作用。 但他也表示,当前疫情形势复杂,存在多种不确定性因素,“我们对于世界明天会变成怎样尚且无法得知,又怎么能预料到316天后的世界?” 目前仍无法就东京奥运会的最终方案和方针给出具体答案,但保证安全的环境仍是明年夏季的东京奥运会将继续坚守的原则。 巴赫表示,接下来几周时间内,国际奥委会将就新冠肺炎疫情防控对策的不同方案展开重要且集中的探讨,并计划全面启动具体对策的讨论,逐步解决各种潜在问题。 对此,东京都知事小池百合子10日对媒体表示:“现在日本政府、东京奥组委及东京都有关方面正举行会议积极地讨论对策”,将以举办“安全安心”的奥运会为方向作出判断,一定要保证奥运会的安全,创造出大家都能理解接受的环境。 Just a day after Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike reinforced Japan's commitment to hold the Olympic Games in 2021 "by all means," Thomas Bach dampened the country's enthusiasm by claiming that it's too early to reach a conclusion and even a COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough would not be the "silver bullet" for staging the rescheduled extravaganza. "We don't know how the world looks like tomorrow, how could you expect us to know how the world look like in 316 days?" said the International Olympic Committee (IOC) president at a news conference after a board meeting. "We don't really know where the environment we will be in next year, it's too early to set a deadline. In the next coming weeks you will see important and intensive discussions taking place with regard to the different scenarios regarding the COVID-19 counter-measures," he added. Bach pointed out that the IOC could only deal with potential problems one step at time amid all the uncertainties. "I'm only sure about one thing in this uncertain world and uncertain development ... the environment when it comes to Tokyo will be different than from the environment today. We only do not know in which way," he said. 受疫情影响,东京奥运会可谓历经坎坷,不仅举办时间一再调整,最终史无前例地宣布延期至2021年,日本更为赛事的延期举办付出巨大经济损失。 而疫情的一再反复,也让东京奥运会的举办增添了更多不确定性。 为了不让几经波折的东京奥运会再生变数,使得前序付出的时间和金钱化为乌有,竭尽全力保障东京奥运会如期举办成了日本奥委会当前最紧迫的任务。 为此,东京奥运会已经成立专门工作组,为届时可能出现的各种情况制定相应的对策。 国际奥委会副主席科茨7日明确表态,“无论明年是否还有新冠病毒存在,东京奥运会都将于明年7月23日开幕。” 随后,奥运大臣桥本圣子也表明决心,宣称东京将“不惜一切代价”举办奥运会。 Bach's remarks come after Koike assured the Japanese public, who has reservations about the rescheduled games, that Tokyo will "implement every possible measure" to ensure the safety of the event. "Athletes are going through much hardship due to the one-year delay given that their physical condition and motivation were targeted at this summer," Koike was quoted as saying by Kyodo. "We have to go forward with the Games next summer by all means." This view was echoed by Games minister Seiko Hashimoto, who announced on Tuesday that the Tokyo Olympics must be held "at any cost." IOC vice-president John Coates even claimed in an interview earlier this week that the Games will take place "with or without COVID." "The Games will start on July 23 next year. It will be the Games that conquered COVID, the light at the end of the tunnel," he beamed.